Remedica supports the health system
The donation of 10 new respirators was made by the sponsoring company of Apollon, Remedica, which continues its social work non-stop. Remedica, continuing its support and helps the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the State to deal with the pandemic of Covid-19, proceeded on Thursday, October 29, to deliver ten new respirators to the State Health Service. The respirators will be placed in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital. The Senior Executive Director of the Remedica Group of Companies Dr. Michalis Neoptolemou stated “REMEDICA contributes with all its strength over time, whenever the needs of our country demand it. However, these unprecedented situations require proper cooperation with the competent bodies, so that the assistance is targeted and effective. This is not the first time that our company is next to the real needs of the hospitals as in the past we had donated chloroquine to the Ministry of Health, 10 respirators and medical equipment “. Respirators are currently in high demand worldwide. However, Remedica made sure to provide the much-needed hospital equipment to boost the health system’s capacity to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Remedica is a leading pharmaceutical industry based in Cyprus and present in more than 160 countries. It was founded in 1980 and today specializes in the development, production and marketing of high quality, safe and effective generic medicines for human use. While today its portfolio consists of more than 300 pharmaceutical products. Apollonas Limassol is proud of the social face shown by the sponsoring company and partner Remedica and expresses its support for such actions.
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Apollon Limassol